Let me ask you a question: Would you rather put your resources into something that works FOR your business or something that can work AGAINST your business? It seems like a no-brainer, right? But many people are making a passive choice every day to allow some things to hurt their business when there are very simple solutions to prevent that.
For example: If you are still using a gmail, yahoo, aol, or any other free email domain for your business…please stop doing this. It’s time you convert to a professional email domain. I guarantee you that free email domains cost people business. It’s hard to take a company seriously when they don’t have a professional email address. Legitimate businesses get filtered out EVERY DAY because they use a free email address. It’s very inexpensive to get a professional email domain, possibly even free with your own website address. Do you have a strong signature block on your emails? This is another FREE tool that many business owners don’t utilize. Not only does it take away from your perceived professionalism,
it also deprives you of a great opportunity to make a powerful statement that let’s the recipient know your company’s motto, core values, mission statement, etc. When you have that as part of your signature block, your message is in front of every person, every time.
These are so simple, yet such powerful tools and easy mistakes to correct. Look around…..there are others. Take purposeful time to look for them and correct them. The payoff is worth it!
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