Ep 043: How Joint Ventures Really Work

In this episode, we interviewed Steven Koprince on How Joint Ventures Really Work. We touch on the SBA’s new mentor-protege program and how it relates to joint ventures, the major differences between the mentor-protege program and regular joint ventures, questions about work share, frequent mistakes businesses make when drafting a joint venture agreement, and much more.

Featured Guest: Steven Koprince Company: Koprince Law LLC
Email: skoprince@koprince.com Phone: (785) 200-8919

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Ep 042: Taking Your Government Business From Good to Great

A lot of companies tend to grow really fast in their early stages. However, that does not mean they will continue to grow fast forever. In fact, many companies hit a glass ceiling at some point and they often can’t figure out how to break through to the next level. That is exactly what this episode is all about. Breaking through to the next level in your government business to go from good to great!

Featured Guest: Michael LeJeune Company: Partner and Federal Access PM, RSM Federal
Email: mlejeune@rsmfederal.com Phone: (636) 577-5005

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Ep 041: Rise Business Services Case Study

In this episode, we interviewed Frank Varga, Director of Apogee Engineering about his lessons learned in government contracting. This case study style interview will walk you through key wins, keys to success, hurdles, and practical advice that you can apply directly to your business.

Featured Guest: Peter Smith Company: Co-Owner, Rise Business Services
Email: psmith@risebusinessservices.com Phone: (303) 422-3621

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Ep 040: L2NL Case Study

In this episode, we interviewed Carol Lowman, President of L2NL about her lessons learned in government contracting. Carol has a unique perspective of government contracting. She has been on both sides of the coin as a government employee and now as a government contractor. This case study style interview will walk you through, keys to success, hurdles, and practical advice that you can apply directly to your business.

Featured Guest: Carol Lowman Company: President, L2NL
Email: carol.lowman@L2NL.com Phone: (404) 784-2186

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Ep 039: Apogee Engineering Case Study

In this episode, we interviewed Frank Varga, Director of Apogee Engineering about his lessons learned in government contracting. This case study style interview will walk you through key wins, keys to success, hurdles, and practical advice that you can apply directly to your business.

Featured Guest: Frank Varga Company: Director, Apogee Engineering, LLC
Email: varga@apogeemail.net Phone: (571) 263-1644

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