Ep 282: The Difference Between Goals, Strategies, and Tactics

Understanding the fundamental distinctions between goals, strategies, and tactics is essential for effective business planning and execution. Goals are the overarching objectives we aim to reach, providing direction and purpose. They answer the question, “What do we want to achieve?” Strategies, on the other hand, outline the broad approaches or plans we employ to attain those goals, acting as a road map to success. They answer the question, “How do we plan to get there?” Lastly, tactics are the specific actions and tools we use within those strategies to execute our plans and move closer to our goals. They answer the question, “What specific steps will we take?” These three components work in tandem, with goals setting the destination, strategies charting the course, and tactics steering the journey. Understanding this hierarchy empowers individuals and organizations to navigate their path toward success more effectively.

Featured Guest: Michael LeJeune Company: Partner, RSM Federal
Email: mlejeune@rsmfederal.com Phone: (636)-577-5005

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Ep 281: How to Master the Art of Public Speaking

In this episode, I interviewed Brenden Kumarasamy on How to Master the Art of Public Speaking. Did you know that public speaking ranks number one as the greatest fear of most people? It’s followed by snakes and death. In this interview, we talk about simple ways to overcome your fear of public speaking, exercises you can start today, how to present better, several tips and tricks for falling in love with speaking, and how it can make your business more profitable.


Featured Guest: Brenden Kumarasamy Company: Founder, MasterTalk
Email: kumarasamy.brenden@gmail.com
Phone: 703-851-1780  linkedin_logo-v6

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Ep 280: Accelerating Growth Through Acquisitions

Are you considering an acquisition for your company? If so, this podcast will help you think through about a dozen areas of the business that you need to evaluate in order to make a buying decision. Growth through acquisition is a fast way to accelerate in the government market. However, there are many pitfalls that you need to know how to spot as well as how to use those things to negotiate a better price. We talk about customers, past performance, capabilities, team members, financial health, contract types, certifications, valuations, negotiations, and much more.

Featured Guest: Michael LeJeune Company: Partner, RSM Federal
Email: mlejeune@rsmfederal.com Phone: (636)-577-5005

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Ep 279: Introduction to CPARS

CPARS stands for Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System. In this episode, Scott Honiberg gives us an introduction to CPARS. The government uses CPARS information to evaluate and assess the performance of government contractors. This system is designed to help government officials to make informed decisions about contract awards. CPARS covers standardized factors such as quality of work, timeliness, cost control, and adherence to contract specifications. Maintaining positive CPARS ratings is critical to your success as a government contractor.


Featured Guest: Scott Honiberg Company: President, Potomac Health Associates
Email: s.honiberg@phainc.com
Phone: 703-851-1780  linkedin_logo-v6

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Ep 278: 2023 Small Business Updates

This podcast covers updates and changes that were made to small business programs between late 2022 and the summer of 2023. This podcast covers changes made by the SBA, congress, and the President through executive orders. It covers mentor protégé joint ventures, SBIRs, set aside updates, SBA Scorecards, economic adjustments, inflation, and much more.

While this podcast does not cover the recent pause on 8(a) applications (recorded prior to this change), our managing partner Joshua Frank has written a detailed industry report on the implications of this ruling. The report touches on the ruling and provides expectations and recommendations. You can find the article here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/industry-report-detailed-analysis-court-ruling-impacting-joshua-frank/

— August 19th, 2023 UPDATE — SBA Guide for Writing a Social Disadvantage Narrative
The SBA just released a guide for writing your social disadvantage narrative. This guide includes definitions and examples of what they are looking for in your narrative. You can download the guide here: https://federal-access.com/wp-content/uploads/Guide-for-Writing-a-Social-Disadvantage-Narrative.pdf


Featured Guest: Joshua Frank Company: Managing Partner, RSM Federal
Email: jfrank@rsmfederal.com Phone: 703-677-1700

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